From today's New York Times:
“We’ll see the recession coming to an end probably this year.”
With those words, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke staked a marker on what he believes will be the end of the malaise that has descended upon the United States economy. And, he said on a “60 Minutes” interview that ran Sunday evening, the country will begin to recover next year — “and it will pick up steam over time.”
With those words, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke staked a marker on what he believes will be the end of the malaise that has descended upon the United States economy. And, he said on a “60 Minutes” interview that ran Sunday evening, the country will begin to recover next year — “and it will pick up steam over time.”
I used to believe that our nation's financial system was run by benevolent wise men who, after a long period of study and meditation on a mountain top, made careful and well thought out decisions on how to steer the ship of state past the shoals of debt and penury into the the safe harbor of prosperity. A few years ago I started to pay close attention to the shenanigans of our fiscal system and I have come up with a simple but brilliant observation:
Whatever Bernanke predicts, the opposite will happen.
And so, I have decided to pack my bags and get the hell out of the USA because obviously the malaise of the US economy will not only continue for decades but become progressively worse. I don't understand why people are STILL paying attention to this bleating. I admit I know nothing about economics but even I know that the man is either a blithering idiot or the puppet of some nefarious secret cabal bent on making us all into starving serfs. Or both. The Federal Reserve needs to go. It has been sucking our blood long enough. I could do a better job running the economy by examining chicken entrails.
My grandparents fought like to hell to get into the United States and here I am trying to get the hell out.
The problem, however, is that there really is no better place to go. Except maybe Canada. Mexico is disintegrating into chaos, Iceland (once the happiest country on earth) is bankrupt and Ireland's economy is headed down the tubes right along with ours.
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