A snake once begged a monkey to give it a ride across a river. "Just do me this once favor. I promise I will not hurt you." It hissed. The monkey, who was a soft touch, agreed and allowed the snake to ride on its back as he swam across the river. The snake, as soon as it reached dry land, bit the monkey. The monkey, as it lay dying, gasped out "Why did you bite me? You promised you wouldn't." And the snake (All together now!) replied "WELL, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT. YOU KNEW I WAS A SNAKE."
Yes, I know we are all dying to stake down A.I.G. and its loathsome spawn of greed in front of a firing squad and blast away. But before we give in to this temptation, let us remember who is really at fault here.
We are.
In the immortal words of Pogo "We have met the enemy and he is us." We are a nation founded on the spirit of revolution and yet we have dwindled into a nation of consumers. We allowed others to think for us because it was easier and much less unpleasant to just put down that book or newspaper and turn on the TV. We have allowed that snake to ride on us because we grew up in a sheltered time when we were the Kings of the Jungle and didn't have to look where we were stepping. We looked the other way while Ronald Reagan et. al. started destroying our country and then keep looking away while George W. Bush stole that election and finished the job. Our forefathers would have dragged George W. and his Nosferatu of a V.P. out of the White House and strung them up in the Rose Garden for treason. We shrugged our shoulders and said "Oh well. "
Our country desperately needs to change. But it will not change until WE change. Don't expect snakes to change.
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