Let us bow our heads and give thanks that the Bush/Cheney crime syndicate has finally been cleared out of the White House, having laid waste to the land, their pockets stuffed with silver teaspoons, packets of Air Force One Sweet'n Low and probably the entire holdings of Fort Knox (sorry, folks, the gold has been missing for a quite a while and nobody wanted to tell you.). I wouldn't begrudge them any of this stuff just as long as we get rid of them, if only they had left ONE thing unruined. Just ONE thing left intact for us.
The bright side is that we now have a President who can speak English intelligibly and a Vice President who does not burst into flames when touched by sunlight. We can now watch the President make a speech without cringing in embarrassment at the thought of what other countries are thinking about this bozo and whimpering with terror at the thought that this simpering coward was actually the head of our Armed Forces. We no longer have to throw shoes at the screen during the State of the Union address (that Iraqi reporter probably just forgot that this was a live performance because EVERYBODY threw things when Bush was on TV), screaming "Where's the remote? Get if off!" Yes, life with Obama will not be simple but it might be a bit more pleasant.
I just finished reading Is Our Children Learning? : The Case Against George W. Bush by Paul Begala. Read it and weep. It was written right before George W. was elected for his first office and every warning about what he and Cheney were going to do to the country was right there in black and white. The Democrats should have handed out free copies of this book in the year 2000.
As an aside, I don't understand why these kind of books about "Bushisms" are in the humor sections of bookstore. They belong in current events, history or even horror. Being funny is not the same as being humorous. Humor implies gentle witticisms like Chicken Soup for the Soul. Selling the Bushism books in the Humor shelf gives people the false impression that they are not to be taken seriously. Actually, they should scare the shit out of all of us.